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Kumamoto City received the 10th Japan Water Prize!

環境局 環境推進部 水保全課TEL:096-328-2436096-328-2436 FAX:096-359-9945 メール mizuhozen@city.kumamoto.lg.jp
Japan Water Prize

 In June 2008, Kumamoto City received the Japan Water Prize.

 The Japan Water Prize is awarded to individuals or organizations which made major contributions to protect water environment by the Japan Water Prize Committee, comprised of knowledgeable people, which has His Royal Highness Akishino-miya as its honorary president.
 Kumamoto City was chosen from among 145 applicants nationwide.

 Kumamoto City received this award after its long strenuous effort to conserve groundwater by the enactment of the Groundwater Conservation Act, recharging of paddy fields, and maintenance of forests with the cooperation of many administrative districts. Furthermore, the involvement of all citizens for groundwater conservation to protect each area -such as citizens' cooperation in saving water - and registration of Kumamoto's water heritage were also recognized.

 The award ceremony was held at the Tokyo National Museum on June 12, 2008.

環境局 環境推進部 水保全課
メール mizuhozen@city.kumamoto.lg.jp 
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