
When you become very ill/病気になったとき

政策局 総合政策部 国際課TEL:096-328-2070096-328-2070 FAX:096-355-4443 メール kokusai@city.kumamoto.lg.jp 担当課の地図を見る

When you go to the hospital

  When you are very sick or injured, please first go to a nearby medical care center.

 ・ A medical care center is a place that has doctor’s office (iin, 医院), clinic (kurinikku, クリニック), or internal medicine (naika, 内科) in its name.


When you check in at the reception desk, please give them the sick or injured person's health insurance card (けんこうほけんしょう).

If you do not have a health insurance card, the cost will be more expensive.

Please tell the people at the reception desk if the sick or injured person has travel insurance (りょこうのほけん).

Please tell the people at the reception desk if you are concerned about care they might receive due to cultural (ぶんか) or religious (しゅうきょう) restrictions.

Please pay after you undergo the health professional's exam.


Searching for hospitals that can provide care in a foreign language.


Search for a hospital.

Using  Kumamoto Medical Navi, it is possible to search in different languages (external link).新しいウインドウで(外部リンク)

■Use a third party interpretor.

By contacting the Kumamoto Prefecture 24-Hour Multilingual Call Center, you can enlist the services of a third party interpretor. Although pre-registration is required, it is possible to book an appointment for a hospital examination via the Call Center (external link).新しいウインドウで(外部リンク) 

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